Which company is authorized to provide Linux file system

History of Linux

Let's have detailed look about Linux

Multics -> Unix -> Linux

In 1965 - AT & T  Bell labs

//Multics OS is 100 % Assembly language worked only four year dropped 1969

//Unix OS Dec 31, 1969 Dennis and Ken Thompson developed, it was 20 % Assembly 80 % C language

//1973 - Unix become 100 % C language by Dennis Ritche

//some other OS invented

Bill Soy - > Sun -> Solaris

Chuck Halley -> IBM -> AIX

Unix -> HP -> HPUX

In 1991 -> Linux developed by Student of Helsinky University (Linux Torvalds) based on Unix as OSF-opensource foundation 

In 1992 -> Suse Linux //used for animation market

In 1994 -> Redhat Linux //90% used for MNC market

File System 

It's logically standard and data structure which keeps the files and organize them

1. Physical

2. Logical

//to access physical file system we should need to format with logical file system

eg : windows


eg : linux


File Hierarchy

/  - (root) it's a top level directory, all directory will present under in it.

[root@centos /]# tree --filelimit 3 /

/ [20 entries exceeds filelimit, not opening dir]

0 directories, 0 files

[root@centos /]# ls

bin  boot  dead.letter  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

[root@centos /]# ls | wc -l


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