Extending disk size on unix server server.boobi.com
Existing storage space is not sufficient.
here we add additional 100 GB space in VG_boobibalan
it's an online activity no down time is needed.
1. Login to the server server.boobi.com
2. Check current disk sizes of server .
VG name - VG_boobibalan
# bootinfo -s hdisk1
# bootinfo -s hdisk2
3. We can extend the disk size through storage level here we extend these two disk 100 GB
4. Once storage extend will refresh VG information using below commands
# bootinfo -s hdisk1
# bootinfo -s hdisk2
# cfgmgr
# chvg -g VG_boobibalan
5. Once disks are extended in VG info we can extend file system Online using smit c-spoc options.
Filesystem name - /test/bobibalan
6. Once file system is extend we will sync cluster configuration using smit cluster verification and sync option.