//open notepad and paste below then save as mytest.bat
rem *mytest.bat
rem *Boobalan 15/10/2020
rem *copy this file ABC.DEFGH.IJK to this place C:\Users\boobalan.rajaram\Desktop\Target\
for /f "tokens=1-6 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do (set day=%%i& set month=%%j&set year=%%k)
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:. " %%b in ('time /t') do (set hr=%%b& set mm=%%c& set ss=%%d)
IF %hr% LSS 10 ( SET hr1=0%hr%) ELSE (SET hr1=%hr%)
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims= " %%a IN ("%hr1%") DO (SET hr1=%%a%%b)
set source=C:\Users\boobalan.rajaram\Desktop\Source\ABC.DEFGH.IJK
set destin=C:\Users\boobalan.rajaram\Desktop\Target\
set log=C:\Users\boobalan.rajaram\Desktop\ABC.DEFGH.IJK.log.txt
echo %year%%month%%day%%hr1%%mm% Process %source% START >> %log%
echo "*******Copy process starting********" >> %log%
set filename=ABC.DEFGH.IJK
echo %filename% >> %log%
set filenameTS=%filename%.%year%%month%%day%%hr1%%mm%
echo "New file name is ->" %filenameTS% >> %log%
set destination=%destin%%filenameTS%
copy %source% %destination% >> %log%
if exist %destination% goto SUCCESS
echo "*******Copy failed******* " >> %log%
goto END
echo "*******Copy succeeded******* " >> %log%
del %source% >> %log%
echo "*******Copy process end******* ">> %log%