Download the tcpdump Here
And paste into C drive
Run command prompt as administrator and navigate to the tcpdump package directory.
>tcpdump.exe -D
Run command prompt as administrator and navigate to the tcpdump package folder
>tcpdump -D
//Here you would see your network adaptor if the installation made successfully.
>tcpdump -i 2 -vvv -l -a "(src host192.168.5.4) and (" -w file1.pcap
>tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <some-file>
>tcpdump -i 2 -s 65535 -w allporttodestin.pcap
And paste into C drive
Run command prompt as administrator and navigate to the tcpdump package directory.
>tcpdump.exe -D
Run command prompt as administrator and navigate to the tcpdump package folder
>tcpdump -D
//Here you would see your network adaptor if the installation made successfully.
>tcpdump -i 2 -vvv -l -a "(src host192.168.5.4) and (" -w file1.pcap
>tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <some-file>
>tcpdump -i 2 -s 65535 -w allporttodestin.pcap