It's an very easy , we can edit their respective user .bashrc file by using echo command
#vi ~/.bashrc
echo "this is your welcome message"
echo "Hi welcome Mr. $USER "
save the file and login that particular user
output like
[root@boobalan-aadhardigital ~]# ssh boobalan@localhost
boobalan@localhost's password:
Last login: Sun Jul 29 17:01:09 2018 from localhost
Hi welcome Mr. boobalan
if you want to put some quote at random by using following tool
#yum install fortune cowsay
//edit the .bashrc file like
#vi ~/.bashrc
fortune | cowsay -pn
save and exit
//the login output
/ Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows] System -> Repartitioning Disk for Linux... \
\ (By, Christopher Browne) /
\ ^__^
\ (@@)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
[root@boobalan-aadhardigital ~]#
method 3 make a plain text file like
#vi /home/user/.banertext
echo "Hi welcome Mr. $USER "
//save and exit
//then edit sshd_config file
#vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
// find a word Banner by use /Ba
Banner /home/user/.banertext
//save and exit
//restart the sshd
#systemctl restart sshd.service
//then login we will get the banner message for all the users
#vi ~/.bashrc
echo "this is your welcome message"
echo "Hi welcome Mr. $USER "
save the file and login that particular user
output like
[root@boobalan-aadhardigital ~]# ssh boobalan@localhost
boobalan@localhost's password:
Last login: Sun Jul 29 17:01:09 2018 from localhost
Hi welcome Mr. boobalan
if you want to put some quote at random by using following tool
#yum install fortune cowsay
//edit the .bashrc file like
#vi ~/.bashrc
fortune | cowsay -pn
save and exit
//the login output
/ Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows] System -> Repartitioning Disk for Linux... \
\ (By, Christopher Browne) /
\ ^__^
\ (@@)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
[root@boobalan-aadhardigital ~]#
method 3 make a plain text file like
#vi /home/user/.banertext
echo "Hi welcome Mr. $USER "
//save and exit
//then edit sshd_config file
#vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
// find a word Banner by use /Ba
Banner /home/user/.banertext
//save and exit
//restart the sshd
#systemctl restart sshd.service
//then login we will get the banner message for all the users